Christmas Posting Dates

Christmas Posting Dates

Our recommended order dates to guarantee a Christmas delivery:
If you would like your order to arrive in time for Christmas,
we recommend placing your order before 12 midnight on the below dates.


You can send a gift direct - just pop a note on the order and we can include a handwritten note,
and gift wrap the pieces for you.


If you have missed a deadline or would like any help at all with ordering with us,
don't hesitate to get in touch - we'd love to say hello.


You can reach Kate via email - or call us on 01539 217214.


The dates below are based on the UK's Royal Mail; this time of year is always busy for the postal service, but this year especially some countries are experiencing delays, so check the International Incident Bulletin for updates.
8th December: Canada, Central and South America
9th December: Greece, Eastern Europe, Turkey
11th December: USA, Finland, Sweden, Czech Republic, Poland, Italy,
14th December: Austria, Denmark, Germany, Iceland, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland
16th December: Belgium, France, Ireland + Luxemburg
21st December: United Kingdom


We will close for the holidays on Tuesday 22nd December,
and open again in 2021 on 4th January.
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